The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the results of the residential mortgage survey for December 2024.

The number of mortgage applications in December decreased month-on-month by 21.1% to 6,306.  

Mortgage loans approved in December increased by 5.4% compared with November to HK$25.5 billion.  Among these, mortgage loans financing primary market transactions increased by 8.7% to HK$8.6 billion and those financing secondary market transactions increased by 0.5% to HK$13.8 billion.  Mortgage loans for refinancing increased by 21.1% to HK$3.1 billion. 

Mortgage loans drawn down during December increased by 24.5% compared with November to HK$13.3 billion. 

The ratio of new mortgage loans priced with reference to HIBOR decreased from 92.2% in November to 91.3% in December.  The ratio of new mortgage loans priced with reference to best lending rates increased from 2.6% in November to 4.1% in December.

The outstanding value of mortgage loans remained virtually unchanged in December, standing at HK$1,870.6 billion at end-December. 

The mortgage delinquency ratio stood at a low level of 0.11% and the rescheduled loan ratio was unchanged at nearly 0%.

Source:The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (2025.1.28)

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